The course lasted for a whole semester and included the results of the project work including lectures by teachers from different parts of the world including South Africa, USA, Brazil, Germany. The participants were students from Germany and Poland.

A meeting to summarize the students' group work was held in Lodz on May 27. The participants of the course were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Lodz, Prof. Alina Wróbel.

On Thursday, May 30, as part of the presentation of Polish/regional culture, the participants visited an open-air museum and participated in the Corpus Christi Procession in Łowicz 

The course was attended by students of Care and Therapy (2nd year) and students of Social Pedagogy (3rd year).

A second edition is planned for next year.

Kurs został stworzony we współpracy Wydziału Nauk o Wychowaniu z Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (Norymberga, Niemcy).

Kurs trwał przez cały semestr i obejmował pracę studentów w mieszanych (polsko-niemieckich) zespołach nad projektem dotyczącym wybranego problemu społecznego oraz serię wykładów nauczycieli z różnych części świata RPA, USA, Brazylia, Niemcy, Polski. Uczestnikami kursu byli głównie studenci z Niemiec i Polski.

Spotkanie podsumowujące pracę grupową studentów odbyło się w Łodzi w Instytucie Psychologii w dniach 27 maja - 31 maja. Uczestników kursu w dniu 27 maja przywitała Dziekan Wydziału Nauk o Wychowaniu UŁ prof. Alina Wróbel.

W czwartek 30 maja w ramach prezentacji kultury polskiej/regionalnej uczestnicy zwiedzali skansen w Maurzycach i uczestniczyli w Procesji Bożego Ciała w Łowiczu 

W kursie brali udział studenci Opieki i Terapii (II rok) oraz studenci Pedagogiki Społecznej (III rok).

Osobami prowadzącymi kurs byli: prof. Mariusz Granosik (UŁ), dr Anna Jarkiewicz (UŁ), prof. Johannes Kloha (THN) , dr Francis Seek (THN)

W przyszłym roku planowana jest druga edycja.




Dear Students from Lódz and Nürnberg,

we are very excited to be able to do this seminar as a bi-national seminar from two countries and two cities. We regard it as very important for Social Workers to have the transnational aspects of their work in mind. Therefore, we hope that this will provide you and us as well with a valuable learning experience.

For you as for us this is the first step toward this form of collaboration, learning and teaching. Therefore, it is important that we all regard this as an experiment where perhaps things sometimes go differently as foreseen. Please, use our "adventureous" charakter and see this as a positive experience!

One word regarding the language: We will use English as the "lingua franca". However, the majority of us are not native speakers. Therefore, don't be afraid to speak, we always will find ways to communicate.

Important: We meet over Zoom!

Here's the link for all the sessions: 

The main working mode will be bi-national groups (ca. 4-5 students) that will compare one particular social problem in Germany and in Poland. This will be largely based on a small research, e.g. interviews with social workers working on that issue in Poland and in Germany and a comparison of these results.

The Examination consists of several parts:

Individual „expectation Paper“ at the beginning: After the first session, write 1-2 pages

  • about your expectations regarding this seminar in general
  • your expected learning
  • your concerns

and turn the paper in via Moodle. You can write this paper in your national language. It won't be graded

  • „Half-Time“ Presentation in Lódz: Prepare (as a group) a presentation (ca. 20 minutes) where you discuss the preliminary findings so far and reflect the process of your bi-national group work. If you can not participate in the trip to Lódz (for substantial reasons) provide a short written statement regarding your part in the presentation. This presentation won't be graded.
  • Group paper, where you present the final findings of your research. Ca. 5 pages per person. This paper will be graded.
  • Individuale reflection paper. Use your "expectation paper" and compare: What became true, where did you make other experiences? What were the most important learning experiences? (not graded)

The evaluation of the work will be done by a lecturer from the respective country.

General requirements for the class

  •  Actively participate in the seminar and in the group work
  • Reading of given literature
  • Participating in the trip to Lódz (exceptions will be made for substantial reasons)

We are really looking forward to working with you!

The team:

Johannes Kloha (Technische Hochschule NÜrnberg)
Anna Jarkiewicz (University of Lódz)
Francis Seeck (Technische Hochschule NÜrnberg)
Mariusz Granosik (University of Lódz)